Tourenatlas, new generation of wintersport guide

The Book-Map-App package
The process that resulted in this package started several years earlier. Together with the guys from Helvetic Backcountry we wanted to completely rethink the ski and snowboard tour planning.
the time-consuming and sometimes laborious research of suitable routes, depending on the weather, snow and avalanche situation, coupled with the conditional factors of the participants, we wanted to radically simplify
The core of this project builds an easy to read visual system, with which one can map each summit, the ascent and descent routes with their respective difficulty (steepness).
These visualizations listed in a book...
... provide an incredibly quick overview of the nature of the different peaks, which are each...
...assigned to an area, 30 in total. These areas are introduced with text and a small map, which gives a topographic overview of the peaks visualized on the following pages
section from the small map, with all routes and their corresponding difficulties.
overview of the 30 areas at the very beginning of the book
The routes are transferred with the colour code (difficulties) to maps, which you buy together with the book
The tedious organizing of maps with the correct cutout has thus come to an end. Overview (book) and detail (map) are combined in one package.
15 maps for 30 areas
But the perfect package is still missing one component. The app. It allows you to enter your own criteria (difficulty of the ascent and descent and a desired time span for the ascent).
The app spits out results (summits), which correspond to book and maps.
Example of a filter with corresponding overview on the app
Book-Map-App Package